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Summer Fun
in Florida

Pools & Waterparks

Pools, waterparks, and aquatic centers!

Splash  Pads & Spraygrounds

Some are free, others are included with entry to the adjoining pool!

Children Playing by the Sea
Nearby Beaches

All within an easy drive.

Favorite Parks & Playgrounds

Best in the area!

Biking Together
Biking Trails

Hitting the trails has never been so easy!

Markets & Farmstands

Indoor and Outdoor Markets happening!

Museums & Education Centers

Museums, Educational Centers that your kids will love!

Must Visit Libraries

Plus tons of activities and events for your family & kids.

Minor League Teams

Fun events for the entire family!

*DISCLAIMER:  The Branch Moms either communicates directly with business owners and organizations or visits their respective websites listed on this page to curate the events and experiences we share with the community.


We rely on the validity of their websites and the insight of those we speak to so we can do our best to track which events and experiences will and will not be occurring. Understandably, it is impossible for our team to catch them all.

Connect With Us

DISCLAIMER: The Branch Moms provides free content through paid partnerships. This website and affiliated social media pages also contain non-paid mentions of our partners, and other local businesses when applicable to our audience. The Branch Moms communicates with or visits their respective websites listed on this page to curate the events and experiences we share with the community. We rely on the validity of their websites and the insight of those we speak to so we can do our best to track which events and experiences will and will not be occurring. Understandably, it is impossible for our team to catch them all. Thank you for being here :)

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